Home is where your heart is.
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Contact us
Alpin Apartments
Bichl 518, 6284 Ramsau im Zillertal
M. info@zillertalapartments.at
T. +43 (0) 664 148 3318

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How do i get there?
- By train
To the express-train stop Jenbach – from there by the historic Zillertalbahn, with the diesel-train or the bus to Bichl in the Zillertal
- By plane
Innsbruck, Salzburg and Munich airports. From there, the journey takes you to Bichl in the Zillertal by train or bus. Transfer from Innsbruck airport directly to the vacation accommodation.
- With the shuttle bus or airport taxi
Taxi Kröll Mayrhofen www.taxikroell.com
Four Seasons Travel www.airport-transfer.com
Airportservice www.airportservice-tirol.com
Christophorus Reisen: +43 5285 606200
Taxi Rieser Franz: +43 528563980 or +43 676 5050 007